The Society's seal and three photographs


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Our latest news bulletin is issue 78, dated Dec 2024.

Photo Archive

Scanned images from our photo archive

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From the first days of the Society's existence, it has collected books, objects, coins, music and manuscripts. Our Bicentenary book, 200 Years, explains the history of these various collections, and you can see some of the important items in the Virtual Museum.



Archaeological Collection

We have an archaeological collection of international importance, covering all periods from the paleolithic to the present day. Much of it is on display in the Great North Museum, but almost every museum of size in the area contains objects on loan from the Society. Find out more...


We have more than 2,000 Roman coins, mostly found in Britain, and many Early Medieval ones -  especially Northumbrian stycas - as well as later ones. Some of our coins are on display in the galleries of the Great North Museum, including our Prince Henry silver penny.

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Music and Bagpipes

We have a considerable collection of music books and manuscripts, and over 100 complete sets of bagpipes, mostly in the Morpeth Chantry Museum.  FARNE, the Folk Archive Resource North East, features scanned images of tunes and songs from many of the manuscripts.

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Our Flickr site

We have our own Flickr site, though the subject matter of many of the scanned images from the Antiquaries’ photo archive is not clear. If you can offer a name for an image entitled ‘Unknown’, and have a Flickr account. you can add a comment in the box below the photo. Or you can e-mail Irwin Thompson, who has set up the site for us. Please include a link to a photo or website as proof.

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In the future, don’t forget your past