Follow this link for events happening this month
- The latest volume of Archaeologia Aeliana, series 6 vol 3, is now available to individual members online on our website. Follow this link to see the table of contents (you will need to sign in as a member to do so). Apologies for the delay, caused by a technical problem with one of the articles, and thanks to our webmaster Roger Cornwell for swift work putting it up on the site as soon as the problem was sorted.
- Unissued Diplomas is an exhibition at Newcastle University honouring the memory of Ukrainian students who will never graduate because their lives were taken by the Russian invasion. At the XL Gallery – Fine Art, Newcastle University, but only until 5 March. Please do visit in the short time before it closes.
- Our member Marta Alberti, with other colleagues, has founded a network for early career researchers on the frontiers of the Roman Empire. They have members across Europe, and would be glad to hear from anyone interested.
Books and Resources
- The 21st in the multi-language series of books on Roman frontier has been published, edited by David Breeze. Written by Radosaw Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski and Shota Mamuladze, The Roman Frontier in Georgia is published by Archaeopress, normal price £19.99, but with a 25% discount to our members. Cite the code FRE-offer-24, valid until 31 December 2024. (The discount is also available for other books in the Frontiers of the Roman Empire series).
- At the Feet of the Angel, Birtley: the growth of an Industrial Community in the Nineteenth Century, Robert Hull, published Durham County Local Hstory Society.
- We have recently bought several new books of direct interest to our members;
- David Breeze has edited a collection called Hadrian’s Wall in our Time, a celebration of 80 favourite views or places along the Wall nominated by experts.
- Cumbria, 1,000 years of Maps by William D. Shannon, is a compilation of that region’s cartographic history from 1050 to 2017.
- Our August lecture was given by Jessica Cox, author of Confinement, a study of pregnancy and childbirth in Victorian Britain, much of it based on original research within the Tyneside region.
- Ian Jackson’s Rocks at the Edge of the Empire is a fascinating account of how geology shaped the history of the Roman frontier.
See our online booklist for these and other books available for loan at the Library on Floor 2 of the GNM: Hancock.
- We are very sad to tell you that our long-standing member Grace McCombie died on 4 February 2025. She was a distinguished buildings historian. She joined the Society in 1975, and was our President from 2005 to 2007. Her funeral will be on 10 Mar at 11.15, at West Road Crematorium, and afterwards at Benwell Hill Cricket Club (opposite the creamatorium).
- Our member Irwin Thompson died on 17 January 2025. He had been a member since June 2014, and throughout the time since had been enormously kind and helpful to us and many other groups. He had a great gasp of technology and a willingness to take action to make it work while himself remaining in the background.
- Emeritus Professor Norman McCord died in October, at the age of 96. He was our longest-standing member, having joined in November 1949. Norman was Professor of History at Newcastle University. His interests encompassed social and economic history. He was also a pioneer of aerial photography in north-east England, and the McCord Centre for Landscape, at Newcastle University, is named after him.
For biographical details of deceased members, going back to the earliest history of the Society, follow this link for the Biographical Directory.