The Society's seal and three photographs

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Renewing your subscription, or changing your details

For everyone except student online members, a renewal letter is sent out each year in December, with details of your membership category, its cost, and your method of payment. If for some reason you do not receive the letter, please contact the  Membership Administrator at Student online members will receive a renewal request in September each year.

If you are already subscribing via Direct Debit or standing order, there's no need to do anything - your subscription will be taken automatically at the annual renewal date. If you pay by any of the other methods, follow this link for further details.

If you would like to change to Direct Debit (the cheapest for you), follow the link here for the GoCardless form.  

To notify us of a new address, or any other change of details, please send us an e-mail at It will be helpful if you can include your membership number, but not essential.

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In the future, don’t forget your past