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Page 40, Inventory, Jerrard Vicars, 18 December 1699; Will, Richard Gibson, 8 January 1697, p 1

A True & perfect Inventory of all & singular ye Goods & Chattells
moveable & Immoveable of Jerrard Vicars late of Keenleypeth
in ye parish of Allendaile in ye County of Northumberland
Yeom Decd valued & Apprized ye Eighteenth Day of Decemb
1699 by us whose names are hereunder written
£ s d
Imp His Apparell & Horse valued at 5 : 0 : 0
Item Household Goods valued at 3 : 0 : 0
Item Three Horses 3 : 0 : 0
Item Five Kine & two Heffers 12 : 0 : 0
Item Two & Thirty Sheep 8 : 0 : 0
Item Corne & Hay 8 : 0 : 0
Apprizers 39 : 0 : 0
Thomas Woodmas }
Jo Dixon } Funerall Expences 5 : 0 : 0
Nich Glenwright }
Jo Michaelson } rests 34 : 0 : 0
In the Name of God Amen I Richard Gibson of Hexham
in ye County of Northumberland Sadler being sick of body but of
sound & perfect mind & memory praise be God do make & ordaine
this my last Will & Testament in manner & form following (that is to
say) First I recommend my soul into ye hands of Allmighty God my
makeer hopeing assuredly through ye meritts of Jesus Christ my
only Saviour and Redeemer to be made partaker of eternall
happiness and my body to ye earth to be buried according to the
Discretion of my Executrix herein after named. Item as for &
concerning the disposition of my Estate both reall and personall
and to make a Competent provision for my loveing wife and
Children. All my Messuages Lands and Tenements both Freehold
and Coppyhold whereof I am now seised either in possession
or Revercon that ye same may be and remaine according to my
desire I doe hereby therefore give devise and bequeath ye same
in such manner sort & form and to such uses intents & purposes as
are hereinafter menconed. Imp as to all and every my freehold
Messuages Lieues[?]??? Burgages houses and Cottages Lands Closes
and grounds with yr* & every of their App and ye Reversion & Revercons
Remainder and Remainders thereof I give devise & bequeath ye same
to Edward Browell of Ryding Miln* in ye sd County Yeom his heires
& Assignes to and for ye uses intents & purposes herein after
menconed (That is to say) as to and for all that Messuage Tent:
Burgage or Stonehouse wherein I now live Together with the

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Transcribed by LF and JW