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Image 366 (unnumbered folio), two receipts

To make Raisin Wine.
Take Two Gallons of Spring water, and let it Boil half an Hour
then put into a Stean* Pott Two pounds of Raisins stoned
Two Pounds of Sugar, the Rind of Two Lemons, the Jouce* of
Four Lemons, then Pour the Boiling water on the things
in the Stean, and let it Stand cover’d four or Five days
strain it out and Bottle it up. In Fifteen or Sixteen days
it will be fitt to Drink
To make Small White Mead
Take Three Gallons of Spring Water and make it Hot, & dissolve
in it three quarts of Honey, and a Pound of Loaf Sugar
and let it Boil about half an Hour, and Scum it as long
as any rises, then pour it out into a Tub, and Squeeze
in the Jouce of Four Lemons, put in the Rinds of but
Two, Twenty Cloves, Two Races* of Ginger, a Top of
Sweet Brier*, and a Top of Rosemary. Lett it stand
in a Tub till ‘tis but Blood Warm, then make a Brown
Toast and Spread it with Two or three Spoonfulls
of Ale yeast*, put into a Vessel fit for it, let it stand
Four or Five days, then Bottle it out

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Transcribed by GB and KS