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Image 352 (unnumbered folio), one receipt

To make Orange Wine with Raisins
Take Thirty pounds of New Mallaga Raisins, Pick them clean, and chop
them Small you must have Twenty large Sevil Oranges, Ten
of them you must Pare as thin as for preserving, Boil about
Eight Gallons of Soft Water till a third Part be consumed
let it Cool a little, then put 5. Gallons of it Hot upon your
Raisins and Orange Peel, stir it well together cover it up,
and when ’tis Cold let it stand Five days, stirring it up
Once or twice a day, then pass it thro’ a Hair Sieve, and with
a Spoon press it as dry as you can, and put it in a Runlet*
fit for it, and put to it the Rinds of the other ten Oranges
cut as thin as the First.then make a Syrup of the Jouce* of
Twenty Oranges with a pound of White Sugar. It must be
made the day before you Tun it up*, stir it well together
and Stop it Close, let it stand 2. Months to clear
then Bottle it up. It will keep three years, and is Better
for keeping

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Transcribed by JMCN and CTW