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Image 313 (unnumbered folio), four receipts

Strong Broth
12. Quarts of Water } Cover it Close, and let it boil till
2. Knockles of Veal } 6. Quarts is Consum’d
A Leg or 2. Shins of Beef } Strain it out and keep it for Use
2. Pair of Calf Feet }
A Chicken Pepper }
A Rabbit Salt }
2. Onions { A Bunch }
Cloves { of Sweet }
Mace { Herbs }
Gravy Soop
Leg of Veal – An Onion – Cloves, Endive, Sellery. Spinnage
Salt peper &c Serve it up
Butter’d Loaves
11. Yolks of Eggs } Bake it in the Oven
5. Spoonfulls of Cream } or Girdle*
1. Good Spoonfull of Ale Yest *}
Flour to Stir to make Paste }
To make Raisin Wine
Take 2. Gallons of Spring Water and let it Boil half an Hour, then put into
a Steampot, Two pounds of Raisins Ston’d, Two pounds of Sugar,
the Jouce of Four Lemons
The Rind of Two Lemons, then pour the Boiling Water on the things in the
Steam, and let it stand cover’d four or Five days, Strain it out and
Bottle it up, In Fifteen or Sixteen days it will be fit to drink
Tis very cool and pleasant Drink it in Hot Weather
{ 2. Gallons of Spring Water
{ 2. lb of Raisins Ston’d
{ 2. lb of Sugar
{ 2. Lemons Rinded
{ 4. Lemons Jouced

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Transcribed by JW and LF