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Image 292 (unnumbered folio), four receipts.

To Pickle Rock Samphyre*
Take your Samphyre & lay it in Beer Vinegar till it be Yellow
then Green it in the same Vinegar over a Slow Fire, when Green
put the Samphyre into your Jarr – then take as much
Fresh Vinegar as will cover them & Boil it with Ginger; and
Both Sorts of peppers, pour it on when Hott then pour it
off the next day, and Boil it again – then fill it up
for Use
To make Fish Sauce.
Take a Lobster and cut it Small with the Boddie – Melt your Butter
and put it in with a spoonfull of Red Wine – DI* of Catchop*
with an Anclovie* cut Small [ The same way for Shrimp]
(Olives & Caphers*)
To make a Pudding for a Hare
{ Liver } Take the Liver of your Hare, Beat it with a Little bit of
{ Fat Bacon } Fat Bacon – Beef Suet – Grated Bread – Nutmeg
{ Beef Suett } Salt & pepper, – Sweet Herbs – One Egg
{ Grated Bread}
{ Nutmeg }
{ Salt }
{ Pepper }
{ Sweet Herbs }
{ One Egg } Pumatum*
2. Drams of White Wine } Put into an Earthen Pott – Boil
a Table Spoonfull of Rose Water } it & Scim it.
A Dram of Essence of Lemmon } pour it into a mold
Mr. More
Dr £ s d
8 :15 :9 ½

Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by LF and JW