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Image 258, seventh book, Folio 136b, three unnumbered receipts

A puer* medison for the tooth acke
Take as much perle as will cost sixe pence and
the same quantity of burnt allom* both these in
fine powder then put the powders in a spoonfull
of hony and stire it well together and let the
patient take a little with his finger and rube
his gums some .3.tims on after another and
so ly down to sleep ./ aproved
An excelent receite learned
of Sergent Church to make
a fate man or woman leane
aproved of by many
of good fasshion
Take an new laid egge and do away the
white from the yelke cleane, then take
the yelke and .2. or .3. spunfulls of rede
rose watter and beat them well together,
then put in as much flower of brimstone*
as will lye on a sixe pence and stire it
well together, warme it a little and then
drinke it for .2 j. mornings or more and
you shall find a good effect
An excellent receit for
the tisike* aprobed by
my selfe and many
Take an ounce of good lofe sugger and the
a quarter of an ounce of roch allom* and
mingle them well together and then in
the morning fasting* take as much as
will lye on a shilling and put it one
your tounge and so lett it goe down by
little by little as it melts in your mouth
probatum est

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN