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Image 207, seventh book, Folio 106a, receipts 16 to 23

1611 The Seaventh booke.
a virgin, his sperme or nature shall not goe from him, neyther sleepinge
nor wakeinge, therefore it is sayde to bee good agaynste any pollution in
the nighte.
16. Cautarides* applyed made one pisse bloude.
A certayne citizen of Padua, havinge Cautharides, that is to saye: Frenche
flyes, applyed to one of his knees, did pysse above five ounces of bloude, ye like
hapned to one, to whose greate toe of the foote, the same was applyed. Bartholome
Montegnanus* , a notable phisitian affirmed this: therfore Cautharides is peri=
lous to bee taken both inwarde & outwarde.
17. A straunge vertue of the burre* leafe.
The leafe of the greater burre, borne or layde on the top of the heade, doth
drawe the matrix* upwarde: But layde under the sole of the foote, it draweth
downwarde, which is a notable & excellent remedye agaynste ye suffocations,
fallinge, & dispasinge of ye matrix. This Mizaldus* writeth.
18. A salve made of ale helpes sores & aches.
Ale sod* tyll it be thicke like a salve, helpes all sores & aches applyed thereto,
marvelouslye: A thinge often proved.
19. Dockes makes toughe fleshe to be tender.
All kinde of dockes hath this propertye, that what fleshe or meate is sodden*
therewith, though they bee never so olde, harde, or toughe , they will become
tender & meete* to be eaten: heereuppon it comes that they were so used in
the olde time, for that thereby the meate was more sooner concocte* & easlyer
disgested, & the wombe more soluble. Mizaldus.
20. To knowe who is infect with the plurisye.
If one suspecte himselfe to be infect with the pluresye, let the partye holde
in his breath as longe as he can, and then if hee can let his breath goe wthout
coughinge, he hath not ye plurisye: If not, he hath ye plurisye, or is in dannger
21. They that have the quartayne* , shall not have
the falling sicknes.
Whosoever have the quarteyne ague, shall not bee troubled with the falling
sicknes, but if one have the fallinge sicknes first, and after shall have the
quartayne ague, the fallinge sicknes will leave him. Hippocrates.
22. Oyle keepes wine from corruptinge.
If oyle bee powred upon wine or anye other licor, it makes that the same
shall not waxe mustye, nor be corrupted. For it excludes or drives forth all
ayre that may breede corruption, onelye with the outwarde ayre of ye oyle,
as with a certayne coveringe. Notwithstandinge, all scyrps* or plants, whe-
reon oyle is powred or effused, doe putrifye. As Pliny reportes.
23. The coales* of a birch tree healeth woundes.
The coales of a birch tree made in powder, & put into a wounde or sore,
healeth it perfectlye without any other thinge. It was crediblye tolde mee yt
the Muscovites use it much, & esteemes it greatlye.
Great heede ought to bee taken of childrens navells
Greate heede

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Transcribed by JW and LF