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Image 170, fifth book, folio 86b, receipts 160 (contd) to 162.

The fifthe booke.
see that it bee warme when you washe it: then when the playster is
well het* and chafed** betweene your handes, lay it on the wounde, but
if you lay it on twyse*, make the plaister cleane before you chafe it,
and then laye it on, and let a little hole be in the playster agaynste the
wounde, then take a litle hempe, and make thereof a little tente, & wet
it in the wine, and put it into the hole of the playster, and so into the
wounde, and all the filthe in the bottome of the wounde shall rise up
throughe the hole of the playster by the tente, let linte be layde about
uit: and if the wounde ake, poure a little oyle olliffe* into it, and it shall
leave akeinge.
161. To make the oyle of Exeter.
Take a pownde of the flowers of cowslips in the month of May, and
stampe* them in so much oyle olliffe as may easilye cover them, then
take these hearbes: calaminte*, hearbe John, sage, egrimonye, suthernwood,
pennyroyall*, lavender, peritorye, rosemarye, cammamyll, harris, pelli-
torye of Spayne*, leaves of lorry**, flowers of lillies, of each of all these
an handfull, let them be gathered in the month of June, and grind them
all together in a morter as it were to greensauce*: and when you have
so done, then take the flowers of the cowslips, and wringe them out of
the oyle they were layd in, and put them into the morter to the other
hearbes, and grinde them all together agayne tyll they be well medled*
and then put so much white wine to them as they may be well steeped
in, and so let them stande a daye and a nighte: and then take ye hearbes
with the wine and oyle olliffe, and boyle them together tyll all ye wine
and water of the hearbes be wasted cleane awaye over a softe fire:
thus you shall knowe when it is well, take a spoone, and put it into ye
hearbes into the bottome of the panne, and if you can bringe up no water,
then it is well, and boyled enoughe, then take it from the fire, and take
good stronge linnen cloth, and make a bagge thereof, and put in all the
hearbes and oyle out of the panne, and with twoe staves* crowse** the oyle
throughe into some fayre vessell, your vessell must be of tinne or glasse,
for none other will holde it: This oyntemente will indure* three yeares,
it is good agaynste the gowte, agaynste the palsye, agaynste all olde
bruises or newe: bruises of bones, or ioyntes*: and all malladyes** that are
in the synnewes*: you must anoynte but onelye the place grieved with
anye of these diseases, and you muste anoynte them in the summer in
the sunne, and in the winter by the fire, and after the anoynteinge you
must take blacke wooll that never was washed: and heate it hot by
the fire, laye it on the place grieved, to defende it from colde. You
must make this medicine in the monthe of June to serve for the
yeare to come.
162. A medicine for to drye up the
milke in a womans breastes.
Take a quarte of the dregges of stronge ale, and three handfulls of
sage, an

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Transcribed by GB and KS