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Image 147, fourth book, folio.75a, index A to Q

The table of the fourthe booke .fo.75.
Heere followeth the table of For the Goute:70.b.alias ibid*.
the booke above written. Gratia Dei an implayster*:66.a.alias
For an Ache:72.a.alias ibid.73.a. ibid.
For divers Aches in the bones, &c:62. H.
a.71.b. To quicken deade Humors, &c:an oyle:
For Ache in the heade:74.b. 63.a.
For Ache in the legge:74.b. I.
For Ache in the toothe:73.a. For the Iaundice*:74.a.
For an Ague:72.b. For the blacke Iaundice:72.a.
To make an Apostolicon*:68.b. Implaistrum diuinum**:68.a.
To bringe an Appetite:71.a. Implaistrum metriatysse*:61.a.
B. For an Imposthume*:65.b.
For payne in the Backe:73.b. To dissolve harde Imposthumes:60.b.
To make Basilicon*:71.b. K.
Greene Bawme* artificiall:67.a. L.
Agaynst wormes in the Belly:69.b. For Legges, &c:69.b.70.a.
For any part of the bodye beinge For the Liver that is wasted:71.b.
Benummed*:69.b. M.
To staunch bleeding at ye nose:73.a. To make Mellicratum*:63.b.
To bringe the Bloude to his righte Pro Membro secreto:74.a.alias ibid.
course:72.b. A plaister for ye Moremall*:65.a.
For Botches:60.b.alias ibid. The Mother of bawme artificiall:67.b.
For Bruises:70.b. For heate in the mouthe:73.a.
C. A good Mundicative*:61.b.
To make the righte Coleman*:68.a. N.
For Colde, & hoarsenes:74.b. O.
For the winde Collicke* in the bellye: Oleum** benedictum:63.b.
73.a.et* b.alias ibid. Oleum praetiosum:66.b.
For the Collicke that cometh by wind To make privye Oyle:65.a.
in the bellye:74.b. Oyle of Eeter:67.b.
D. Oyle of lawrell:63.a.70.a.
To make Diaculum*:68.b. To make an Oyle that the maisters of
To make Diaflosmus*:62.a. Salerne** used.:62.b.
Doctor Francis Diet artificiall: The Oyntemente of roses:72.a.
71.a. To make Oximell* in manner of a syrrop:
A Dregge*:73.a. 65.b.
For the Dropsye:74.a. P.
E. Agaynst ye sciatica Palsio*:&c:66.a.
For the Eares:74.a. A Plaister both for hot & colde:66.a.
A water for the Eyes:70.a.74.b. The blacke Plaister or cerote*for the
F. maisterye*:64.b.
For deade Fleshe:68.b.alias ibid.69.a. The golden Plaister of Padwaye*:65.a.
Flos unguentum*:67.a. A good healinge Plaister:70.a.
G. The newe Plaister of greene:65.b.
The vertues of Gentian:70.b. A pretious Plaister:69.a.alias ibid.
To make a Powder consolidative:63.a.
A potion for a Purgation*:71.b.

Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.

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Transcribed by JM and CW