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Image 131, fourth book, folio 67a, receipts 49 to 50

The fourthe booke fo 67
Liber 4
49. Flos unguentorum is thus made.
Take rosin*, & perosin an..lb; di virgin waxe, frankencense s an qa.j. ma-
sticke ℥ di sheepes tallowe, or deeres sewit qa. j. camphor ℥.2. melte that
will be molten, & powder that will be powdered, & boyle it over ye fire,
& then strayne it through a clothe, into a pottle of white wine, & then
boyle the wine & the other stuffe together a good while, & then let it coole
a little & put thereto qa. j. of turpentine, & stirre all well together untill
that it be colde, for it is good for all sores. This floye or flos unguentorum
is both a treate & an unguente, which is good for all woundes old & newe,
for of all treates it is the most clenseinge, & ye best sawdinge*, & ye most
gendringe* of fleshe, it healeth more in a weeke than any other in a
monthe, it will suffer no corruption in no wounde, nor no evill fleshe to
be ingendred in it, it is good for the head ache, & for winde yf is ingendred
in the brayne, & for all manner of imposthumes in the heade, or in ye body,
& for the swellinge of the bodye, & for the swellinge in the eares & of
the cheekes: Item for the sawse flewme,* & for the synewes that are cut,
starke or spronge, for travelinge: it draweth out iron, or what thing
that is in a wounde, & it is good agaynst the biteinge or stingeinge of
any venemous beaste: it rotts & heales all manner of botches wthout forts
& it is good for the festure*, canker,& noli me tangere, it draweth out all
manner of ache, of the liver, & of the milte*, & of the matrice*, & breaketh
the members of man, & for the emeroydes*, & it healeth them, & it is
called flos unguentorum, for it searcheth the farthest inward of anye
intreate*[*] or oyntemente that is knowne: & it was written & caste into
the [?r]eclewse at [?r]eed hill in Almaygne*, which [?r]eclewse after it wrote
it & wroughte many marveilous things therewith, & never used
this medicine but this onelye.
50.Greene bawme artificiall: which ye treaclemongers*
use for to sell in fayres & markets, & sometimes they
thrust themselves through ye arms or thighs, and after
that they put some of this bawme upon the wounde,
& so heale themselves without any other playster
or medicine, so good it is for all new woundes made
with sharpe or poynted weapon in ye fleshe, & for
brunings* & akings: is it also good for ye piles & emo-
roydes in the fundamente: & for the ach in ye bones,
& synewes: & it is thus made
Take a gallon of good oyle ollyffe, & set it on the fire, & fraye it with cleane wa-
ter, or with a thinne piece of an apple pared, or an onyon pilled, & then take
rosin* lb; di. perosin lb;.j. gumme Arabiane .℥.di. Masticke .℥.2. powder that
will be powdred, & put all these into the oyle, & first be well ware if thine
oyle be not over hot, for burninge of thy gummes, & evermore stirre it well
well, & looke allso that it be well molten, & then put in frankencense well
powdered, £.2. & allwayes stirre it well, & looke allso that thine oyle be not
too hot, & when that it is molten, then put in mirrhe ℥.2. & ever stirre it
well untill

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN