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Image 121, fourth book, folio 62a, receipts 21 (contd) to 24

The fourthe booke. . fo. 62
Liber 4
& saused, & stirre them well until that they be well dissolved and
mixed, & then take them from the fire, & put to them. ℥ ½ of alloe epat well
powdered, & resolved in warme oyle.
22. To make baules* to drinke for woundes.
Take consounde,* comferye, osmonde, croppes of hempe, croppes of red
coole, Sothernewoode, pympernell, tansye, betyne, bugle, Sanicle, avance*. an.
& as much of madder* as of them all, washe cleane these hearbes & grinde
them well together with thy handes, & then make thy baules in ye quantity
of a greate nut, & couch them on a fayre boarde & set them so that no
winde nor fume may come unto them, least they drye too hastilye, & every
daye turne them & new rowle them them betwixte thy handes, so that no worms
breede in them, & this shall heale woundes in vaynes & synewes broken
or cut.
23. Diaflosmus* is thus made
Take the iuice* of Smallage, wormewoode, molline. i. tapsus barbatus**
walworte, dovefoote. i.columbine, planten, mugworte, avans, daysies,
of each an. Then take thereto fowre times as much woodbinde*, as of one
of the other hearbes, & bray* all in a morter together, & strayne out the
iuice, & then take as much clarified honye, as of the iuice, & set them over
as easie fire, & boyle them together, ever stirring them so well untill
they waxe wellingh* as thicke as hony that is molten, & then take them
from the fire, and keepe it in a newe earthen pot to your use. And nowe it is
called tapsimell (that is honye & mollyne) but when ye will have this most
pretious medicine that is in surgerye: take of this tapsimell. ℥ .4. of the white
of egges. ℥ .4. wheate meale. ℥ .3;. put all these together on the fire, & let them
have a small heate & ever be stirringe for cleaveing* to the panne, & when it
is through hot take it downe, & then take oyle oliffe or oyle of roses, & waxe,
of each . ℥ .3. & melte them well together, & then take ℥ .2. of turpentine & put
to them, & stirre it evermore, for if the turpentine have more heate then bloud,
it is lost, & will not melte with the other, but knot, & therefore put it to laste
when that it beginneth to waxe colde, & stirre them well together so that you
may not knowe the one from the other, & then it is called diaflosmus* (atap-
so barbato quod est flosmus*) take of this plaister & spreade it upon tupps
of lyne* cleane without Schiffes* or carpe*, & laye it to a fistula in ano**, or to a
canker, or moremall, festure, plague, lupus or noli me tangere*, &c: & for-
southe not only these it healeth, but allso every horrible sore in thee, wch
Syrurgins* doe dispaire: & allso it healeth Swellinges, bruises, & swellinge
of ioyntes, glandulas, botches, fellons, uncomes, & all open sores*, that God
will suffer to be healed, so that if this plaister be had, there neede none
other plaister in the cures of Surgerye.
24. To make a pretious unguente for divers aches in the
bones, & swellinge of Synewes, for the coliche, &
for all manner of bruisinges.
Take fine meate oyle three quartes, di lb of freshe sheepes tallow molten
& puryd, & set them over the fyre & boyle them, a little & then take longe
wormes which are called angillpartes* one pottle** or more, wash them
cleane, &

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