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Image 114, third book, Folio 58b, receipts 96 (contd) to 99.

The thirde booke,
put to the twoe blackes aforesayde a quarter of j lb of Spanishe browne: &
if you will have them more browne, then put the more to it. But if you will
have them red, put none of the blackes to it, but let it be all Spanishe browne,
& doe with it as before you did with the blacke, & in that manner use youre
gloves: the Spanishe browne will coste j id the pownde.
97. How to perfume gloves both in ye Romain wash, &
other wayes.: For a Romain washe.
Firste make your paynters stone very cleane that you grinde on, then take a
quarter of j lb of ories* powder that is fine & good & laye it on your stone, and
put so much rosewater as will so wet that powder that you maye grinde it on
your stone, which is 8 or 9 spoonefulls, & then grinde it very fine: Then take
up all that powder so grownde, & put it into a fayre boll: & then put to it into
the boll a pinte of rosewater & stirre it well together, then take & put your
gloves into it, & wet them well, & wring the water into the boll agayne, but let
not the water come within the inside of the gloves next ye gloves hande, then
blowe them & hange them on a line till they be drye, then take & rub them out, and
make them smooth & fine wth your glove sticke, this is called ye white washe.
98. How to perfume both these white gloves, & all other
coloured gloves. First to perfume with cloves.
Take 2 id of cloves & beate them fine, & then laye them on your stone, & put to
it a little rosewater, & grinde it well: then take j ? of gumme* dragon*, and put it
into a porringer*, & put to it halfe a pinte of rosewater, & let it lye two dayes
will it be softe, then stirre it well together, then take twoe spoonefulls of that
gumme, & put to your grownde cloves, then take & put to it allso halfe an ownce
eyther of oyle of beans, or of allmonds, & then stirre it well together, & then wth
a sponge dipt into it, alay it on your blacke gloves, for this perfume is not
for the white: this you may doe for 2 id a payre: but if you will bestow more
coste, then take for to doe a douzen gloves di j ? of beniamin, or di i ? of storax,
or of labliumme*, or twoe of them, or all if you will goe to the coste, for they will
cost aboute some 4 id or 6 id an ownce, then doe with these as you did before with the
cloves, & you may lay these 3 or 2 or one of them beinge done as you did ye gloves
with the cloves upon the white Roman washe.
99. To perfume with muske, civet or ambergres.
To perfume gloves or any thinge els first take eyther a grayne of muske*, civet*,
or of ambergres*, or of all if you will goe to the coste, or so many of them as
you thinke good, then take your hamterstone*, and lay your muske, or civet ec thereo,
to every grayne that you laye on the stone, put halfe a spoonefull of the finest
rose or damaske water that you have, then grinde it very fine, then take an ownce
of the finest gumme dragon that you can get, & put it into a porringer, & put to
it so much of the best rosewater that you can get as well cover the gumme, & let
it lye so one day & a nighte, till it be so softe that you may stirre it together in the
rosewater, & till it be well mingles thicke together, then take a spoonefull of
that gumme & put it to these three graynes that lye on the stone if you have
grownde so much, or if you have grownde lesse put in lesse, then with you
mullet stone

Note: {unknown} is used for an undeciphered quantity symbol; see glossary for explanation

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Transcribed by RMS and ALB