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Image 061, second book, folio 32a, receipts 185 to 194.

The Seconde booke
fo 32
Liber 2
185. To make softe handes, & fayce.
Seeth* affodill* till it be softe, & put thereunto the powder of tartory*, &
twoe egges, & rub your hands therewith every daye.
186. For ache in the thighes & feete.
Seeth ye roote of wallworte* in water, & doe away ye uppermost rine*,
stampe* the middle, & temper it with boares greace, & use it.
187. For akeing thighes, & stiffe synews.
Take brokelime*, & hearbe John*, dresse them with swines greace, sheeps
tallowe, & horse dounge* in manner of a plaster, & use it.
188. For ye stifnes of ye hands, legs, & feete.
Boyle hemblocke* & sage together in water, & stype* your stiffe handes or
legges therein a while, & after wash it well.
189. A generall plaster for all sore leggs.
Take a good quantitye of ye hearbe Bennet*, halfe as much tarre, & as
much barrowes grease*, melte them together with pigeons dunge, & hens
dunge, & seeth them agayne a good while, then stirre them well, & strayn
them hot into the powder of allome* styrre them well together ? tyll they
be colde, put them into boxes, & use them.
190. To coole a sore shynne, or leg that aketh.
Take red coole* leafe, sage, & smallage*, stampe them & mingle them wth
sowre doughe, & honye, & laye it to the sore.
191. For numnes*, for sleeping hands, & feete.
Take the flowers of broome, & the leaves of woodbine*, of each like much,
stampe them with May butter*, & let it stand together all nighte, &
the next daye set it on the fire, & skymme* it well, & use it.
192. For ringwormes.
Scrape the roots of red dockes*, washe it not, & cut it in rownd slyces, stype
it in a dishe of vineger all nighte, then wet a cloth in it, & wringe it upon
the tetter*, & use it ofte**
193. For olde sores that be broken out, &
not perfectlye healed.
Take 2 id of verdigresse*, 2 sawcers full of vineger, & a quantitye of
allome, boyle them together tyll they be red, & lay it in ye hools* of ye leg.
194. For cornes in the feete.
Mingle ye flower* of unsleaked* lyme, & blacke sope* together, tyll they be
somewhat harde, then pare* of ye cornes to ye quicke, & lay this medicine
upon the bredthe of ye corne, & no broader, & it will fret out ye corne by
the roote, then take ye oyle of ye yolke of an egge, & honye, but most of ye oyle,
mingle them together, & lay it on the sore, & it will heale up wth this salve.
To kill

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Transcribed by YR and KW