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Image 008, folio 2b, A Prognostication, The legal year; judging weather by the sun.

A prognostication
Wilkokes uppone all ye Psalmes o———————————————————–iij s*
Micahell Coope uppon ye proverbes o——————————————————– vj s*
A necessary and perfect rule to knowe the
beginning and ending of every tearme*, wt
theire returnes*.
Hillarye tearme beginneth the 13 day of Januarye,(if it be not Sunday) which
so beinge, it is then deferred untill the daye followeinge, and endeth ye 12 of
February, which tearme hath 4 returnes, that is to saye,
Octavis Hillarie. } { Crast. Purifica.*
Quind. Hillarie. } { Octav. Purifica.
Easter tearme beginneth, 17 dayes after Easter, and endeth the munday next
after the ascention day, and hath five returnes, that is to saye,
Quind Pascae, } { Quinque Pasche.
Tres. Pascae,} Mense Pasche { Crastin. Ascen.
Trinity tearme beginneth the fridaye nexte after trinitye sundaye, and endeth the
Wednesday forthnigh after, and hath fowre returnes, that is to saye,
Crast. trinitatis. } { Quind. trinitatis.
Octav. trinitatis. } { Tres. Trinitatis.
Michaellmas tearme beginneth the 9 of October (if it be not Sunday, as is afore
aforesayde) and endeth the 28 of November, and hath 8 returnes, viz.
Octav. Micha. } { Crast. Anima.
Quind. Micha. } { Crast. Mart.
Tres. Micha. } { Octa. Mart.
Mens. Micha. } { Quind. Mart.
Note allso that the exchequer openeth eighte dayes before any tearme begin, [???]
excepte trinitie tearme, in which it openeth but fowre dayes before.
How to iudge of weather by the sunne riseinge,
or goeinge downe :
The sunne in the horizon or riseinge, cleare and brighte, sheweth a pleasaunte daye:
but thinlye overcast with a cloude, betokeneth foule weather. Allso at the goeing
downe, the body diverslye coloured or red, and aboute dispersed with like cloudes,
the beames red, and of lengthe, pronounce greate windes, the nexte daye from that
parte. Blackenes in the sunne or moone, betokekeneth water: Red signifieth winde.
The elemente red in the eveninge, the nexte day fayre: but in the morning red,
winde and rayne. Allso the sunne beames spotted greene, pale, or blacke, gathered to
a cloude,

Note: The content of this page come from Digges pages 37, with additional notes, and page 5

Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by LF and JW