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Document 76, p 3, Gawen Aynsley continued

[2nd Excon] For that the sd Deft Gawen Aynsley hath not in manner afsd answd
and set forth Wher it wod not for the reasons in ye sd Bill for that
purpose mentd be for the ultimate good and safety of the Coy of Northland
and its Inhabitants that a new Bridge upon a more extensive & enlarged
Plan shod be erected and built capable of withstanding any possible
[3rd]Excon For that the sd Deft Gawen Aynsley hath not in manner afsd [answd]
and set forth Whether the sd Complt did not actually lay out and [expend?]
in erecting and building the Bridge built by him as in ye sd Bill
mentd & in making and finishing the Road thereto much more than th[e]
sum of £5,400 besides the old Matles as in ye sd Bill mentd And
Wher it wod not so appear if an Account were taken of what was [?]
laid out and expended And wher the sd Complt was not consid[bly?]
or somewhat and how much out of Pocket on the Acct in the [??]
set forth by building of the said Bridge.
[4th] Excon For that the sd Deft Gawen Aynsley hath not in manner afsd [??]
ansd and set forth Wher in order to build a Bridge over the river
Tyne capable of withstanding any possible flood which may arise
such a Flood as arose in the month of March 1782 as in [the sd]
Bill set forth a much greater [or?] sums and what sum of mo[ney]
must not necessarily be expended and laid out than what was
allowed and paid to yr Petner ye sd Complt as in the sd Bill [??]
And wher such a Bridge must not and ought not to be bui[lt]
upon a more extensive and consequently more expensive plan [??]
the Plan accdg to which the former Bridge in the sd Bi[ll] [??]
was built by the sd Complt as therein set forth And wh[er] [??]
former Plan is suffict and effectual for answering the [Plan?]
of making a safe and lasting Bridge.
[5th] Excon For that the sd Deft Gawen Aynsley hath not in ma[nner afsd]
answd and set forth Wher it is for the reasons & [??]
ye sd Bill mentd reasble & just that ye sd Complt shod be bo[und]
strictly by the Arts of Agreemt in ye sd Bill set forth as to be
compelled to build anor Bridge on the same Plan as in the sd Bill
in that Behalf mentd & to uphold the same for the term of 7 Years

Note: Complainant's Exceptions p 3; edge of page missing

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Transcribed by CTW and KS