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Document 37 p 2

Wallace upon the receipt of this letter
& his opinion was I should make my
proposal at the assizes rather than the
Sessions, & accordingly I mean to write to
Mr Askew to say that I am advis’d to
take the sense of the County at the assizes
where a proposal may be made or in-
-formation procured to enable me to make
an offer[?]* at the ensuing Sessions which
[???] shall be deem’d most proper & regular,
pray let me have your sentiments upon
this point, as well as any other information
you have been able to procure that
will throw any light upon this busines
I am dr Sr your oblig’d &
obedient humble servt
St James Heny Errington
July 2nd 1783

Note: Letter from Mr Errington to Ralph Heron, p 2

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Transcribed by CTW and KS