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Document 37, letter from Mr Errington to Ralph Heron, 2 July 1783 p 1

2nd July 1783 81
Mr Erringtons Letter mentioning Dr Sir
his Wish to take the Sense of I hope you receiv’d some
the Grand Jury at the Assizes Copies of Mr Smeaton’s memorial
which Mr Swinburne took charge of
To* & promis’d me to send to you as soon as
Ralph Heron he got down. I desir’d Mr Askew before
Newcastle upon Tyne he went down to inform himself among
the Magistrates whether or no they [were?]
dispos’d to a compromise & let me know. In
answer I have receiv’d from him a letter
in the following terms, "that he had sounded
most of his brethren but found them fix’d
on my building the bridge, however that
he advis’d me to attend the Sessions, or send
down an ample proposal such as can be
accepted with honor & propriety by the Magistrates
as trustees for the county." I advis’d with Mr

Note: Letter from Mr Errington to Ralph Heron, p 1

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