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Document 28, Letter from Mr Errington to Mr Heron, 16 April 1783, p 1

To* Dr Sir
Mr Heron Toward your favours of the
Newcastle 7th, I think myself much indebted to you for
upon Tyne your attention & Zeal throughout this Northern
affair, & in particular for the letter you wrote
to Mr. Tweddell previous to the meeting at
Hexham, which could not fail of being of great
use, Mr Mylne sets out for the north on
friday next, & has requested that the 2d*,reading
of the bill, which was fix’d for the [?] day of
the meeting of Parlt may be postpon’d till
his return, which will be in about a fortnight
from the day of his setting out. I have not
seen him but some letters have pass’d between
us & Mr. Smeaton has had two Conferences
with him, we have furnish’d him with every

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Transcribed by PF and KS