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Document 5, Letter from William Lowes, 11 April 1778, recipient not known, p 1

‘526’ [NCastle?] 11th April 1778
Dear Sir
On my return from the Country last night I
met with a Bill for Building a Stone Bridge across the River
Tyne opposite the [T?]own of Hexham. I suppose it was
sent me by [Mr?] [???]who is in Town solliciting this Bill
but it was not [???] [carried?] with any Letter, [nor do?] I know
how to direct, or [???] [him?] on this occasion.
I am sorry to see [??] [??] without any reasons [r???d] in the Bill [and?]
very absurd Order [???] last Xmas Sessions by Mr Aynsley
Mr Trevelyan & [???] I think the other justices present
with myself [??] [??] [??] [Names?] in the Bill
by which it is ordd [???] Bridges within the s’d
County shall be rebuilt [???]
Grand Jury at the assize [???] [???]
[???] or want of reparation [??] Bridge or Bridges
When this order was made it was I must suppose not recollected
that Featherstone Bridge and Ridley Hall Bridge both being
acknowledged County Bridges were carried away by the flood
in 1771 and were regularly presented by the Grand Jury at
Morpeth Sessions as [broken down?] & out of repair and they
are not excepted in this order: which (this only [???] in this Bill)
may occasion great dispute in this County. The inclosed Clause will
I think set all to rights so [??] you will on [rect?] of this go to
Mr [French?] with my Complmnts & get from him a Bill; and [thereon?]
[???] [??] wait upon Ld algernon Percy Sir Wm [?????]
Sir Thos Clavering Sir [Mathew?] Ridley Sir [Jas?]Trevelyan &
Sir [?Just?] Eden & request the favor of them to get this [Clause?]
incorporated in the Bill before the Committee: you will soon explain it &
the expediency of it, for it may obviate the doubt & cannot possibly
be injurious to any body. If you are too late for the Commons
wait upon the Duke of Northumberland make my best Compliments to
his Grace & intreat him to get this Clause [???] by the Committee
in the Hs of Lords. In great haste to [???] ye post I remain yours truly
Wm Lowes

Note: Page badly torn and text missing

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