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Page 75, Will, Joseph Bell, 8 November 1700, p 2

of ye Lord of ye said Mannour according to the Custome of the said
Mannr: there anciently used Two Acrees & one Rood of Arable land
or meadow ground with the appurteces be it more or less scituate
lying and being in ye Westfeilds of Hexham aforesaid called Hencoats
Fields in a certaine place ther called the Orchard Gapp And also one
Acree of Arable land or Meadow ground be it more or less with the
Appurteces scituate lying & being in the said Westfeilds of Hexham
aforesaid in a certaine place called the Greens & in ye sd Surrender
menconed to ye use & behoofe of Peter Bell Brother of me the sd
Joseph his heires & Assignes for ever to such uses intents and
purposes as I by my last Will & Testament shall nominate & appoint
And further Whereas at the Court held for ye Mannr of Anicke
Grainge the seaventeenth day of October last past before ye
Date of these presents I did surrender into the hands of ye Lord
of the said Mannour according to ye Custome of ye sd Mannour
there anciently used one Burgage or Thatched house with ye
appurtenances scituate & being in Hexham aforesaid in a certain
Street there called Hencoats in ye sd surrender menconed to the
use and behoofe of the said Peter Bell Brother of me the said
Joseph his heires and Assignes for ever to such uses intents and
purposes as I by my last Will & Testament shall nominate &
appointe Now my Will is that the sd Peter Bell shall stand seized
of the said Two Acrees and a Rood of ground called Orchard Gapp
in ye first in parte recited surrender menconed to the use of
him the said Peter Bell his heires and Assignes for ever upon
Condcon neverthelesse & with that intent that he the sd Peter Bell
his heires Executs & Admins or some of them shall pay unto
William Soulsby of the Towne & County of Newcastle upon Tyne
Plumber his heires or Assignes the Sume of Ninety & Four pounds
of lawful English money att or before the feast of St. Michaell
the Archangell next ensueing the Date hereof for & in parte
satisfaccon of A Debt due from me to ye sd William Soulsby & for
which he hath security out of my lands called the Highhouse Item
my Will further is that my said Brother Peter Bell his heires &
Assignes shall sell the said Burgage or House in the second in parte
recited surrender menconed to the best advantage and ye money
ariseing by sale of the same to be payd to the aforesd William Soulsby
towards the satisfaccon of his Debt aforesaid Item my Will further is
that my said Brother Peter Bell shall pay yearly & every year during
the life of my mother Jane Bell out of the Rents and profitts of the sd
Close called the Greens in the said first in part recited surrender
menconed ye yearly sume of Thirty Shillings of lawfull English money
my said mother releaseing her Thirds & Title of Dower of in & to the
said Burgage or Thatched house & ye grounds called Orchard Gapp afo
afore menconed And my Will further is that my said Brother Peter
Bell his heires and Assignes shall mortgage the said Close called ye Greens

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Transcribed by RMS and ALB