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Page 62, Will, Christopher Wilkinson, P2

Shall take ye charge & management of ye above said Legacy of
Two Hundred and Fiftye pounds and Shall with all convenient
Speed they can after my decease either by purchase of Lands wthin
ye Manour of Hexham or in Real Securityes upon Mortgages or
by a perpetuall Rent-charge out of Lands or otherwise as
to them or ye Survivor or Survivours of them shall seem
most safe and advantagious for preserveing ye principall
for a Standing Fund and Stock for ye use of the said Free
Schoole as also for paying and answering ye Yearly rent
use or Interest thereof to be payd to Such Licenced Master
of the said Free Schoole and of good life and Conversation as
my said Trustees or ye major part or number of them or of ye
Survivor or Survivors of them or their Successors Shall
Yearly chuse at or upon ye first day of May in every
Year to come Successively after my Decease Item my
Will & pleasure is, That ye said Schoole Master So Yearly to
be appointed Shall from time to time and at all times after
my decease for ever Teach all ye Children of all ye Inhabitants
of ye parish of Allandale in such usefull and necessary learning
and languages as my said Trustees Shall direct & appoint
Gratis without any Gratuity Fee or Reward to be had
required or received by ye said School Master from the Said
Inhabitants of ye Said parish of Allandale or any of them.
any said
Item my Will & pleasure is, That if one or more of ye Trustees
Shall renounce ye said Trust or refuse to act therein or if it
shall happen any one or more of ye said Trustees or any Trustees
who shall hereafter be appointed Trustees of ye Said Schoole
Shall happen to dye, Then ye acting or Surviveing Trustees
Shall with all convenient Speed that may be elect & chuse
two or Three more as occasion Shall require to make up the
originall number of Five acting Trustees Successively to
continue from time to time Invested with ye like power and
authority granted to my Trustees aforesaid to fill up ye
vacancy of those renounceing or refuseing or of those
who are Dead Item I give devise & bequeath unto my sd
Trustees to be payd by my Executrix hereafter named
the Sume of Tenn pounds to be employed for and towards
the Erecting and building of A Bridge over East Allen
water at a place called Oakpoole, provided ye same be
built and finished Three Years next after my

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Transcribed by LF and JW