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Page 51, Will, Gerrard Keenliside, 19 January 1699; Inventory, 15 February 1699

In the Name of God Amen I Gerrard Keenliside of
Corry-Hill in ye County of Northumbland Yeom this Nineteenth
Day of January in ye Eleaventh Year of ye Reigne of our Sovaigne
William by ye Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland
King Defender of ye Faith &c Annoq Dni 1699 Although sick &
weak of Body but of perfect and sound memory praise be given
to Almighty God for ye same do make and ordaine this my last Will
and Testament in manner & form following Imps my Will &
pleasure is and I doe hereby Order and appoint my son John Keenliside
to pay to my son William Keenliside the sume of Thirty
pounds when he the said John shall arrive at ye Age of Twenty
one Years. Item I give & bequeath unto my well beloved wife
Anne and unto my aforesaid son William All my personall Estate
of what nature and soever the same is or may be And I doe make
the said Anne & William Joint Executors of this my last Will
and Testament. In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett
my hand & seal the Day & Year above written. Signed & sealed
in ye presence of Thomas Fetherston George Robson
Gerrard Keenliside
A true & perfect Inventory of ye Goods & Chattells of Gerrard
of Keenliside of Corry-Hill of ye Parish of Allendale & County
of Northumberland lately Decd valued and Apprized as
followes by us whose names are here under written the
Fifteenth Day of February Anno Dni 1699
£: s: d:
Imps his Horse Purse & Apparell 03: 00: 00:
Six Cowes and one Bull 14: 00: 00:
Three Heffers 04: ?0: 00:
One & Twenty Sheep 05: 14: 00:
Household Goods 03: 10: 00:
30: 04: 00:
The Testators funerall Expences 03: 10: 00:
William Richardson
Thomas Featherston 26: 14: 00:
John Keenliside
Math Lee

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Transcribed by YR and KW