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Image 371 (unnumbered folio), three receipts

For the Collick
½ Pint
Dr Stevens / Take half a Pint of Dr Stevens Water*, as much Plague Water*, as
Plague / much Juniper berry Water, and an Ounce of Powder of Rhubarb
Juniper /water shake the Bottle, and take four or Five Spoonfulls at a time
1 oz Ruberb ) when the Fit is on you, or likely to come
Powder )
A Bitter Draught
Take of Gentian root three drams, of Camomile flowers One Ounce
of Rosemary flowers One Ounce, of Tops of Centaury*, Tops of
Roman Wormwood*, Tops of Carduus*, of each One Handfull
Boil all these in Two Quarts of Spring Water till it comes to
a Quart, you may a Pint of White Wine to it strain it
out, and when it is cold bottle it. Drink a quarter of a Pint
in the Morning, and as Much at Four O’Clock in the afternoon
For a Swelling in the Face
Take a Handfull of Damask-Rose leaves, boil them in running Water
till they are tender, Stamp* them to a Pulp, and Boil White Bread
and Milk till it is soft & then put in your Pulp with a little
Hogs Lard, and thicken it with the Yolk of an Egg
and apply it warm
Damask Rose leaves

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Transcribed by GB and KS