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Image 359 (unnumbered folio), two receipts

To make a Drink
Take a Quart of Spring Water, of Liverwort One Handfull, Liquorish-
Annaseeds, Coriander-Seeds, Sweet Fennel Seeds & Hartshorn*
of each an Equal quantity, 40.* Raisins of the Sun Ston’d 14. Figgs
Boil all these together till one half is Consumed, then put in
three Spoonfulls of Honey, and boil it a little more, let it stand
till it is cold and strain it out, and put in two Spoonfulls of
Syrup of Gilliflowers, and a Bottle it up; take two or three
Spoonfulls Mornings and Evening
To make the Hard Biscuit
Take half a Peck of Fine Flour, One Ounce of Caraway Seeds
the Whites of two Eggs, a Quarter of a Pint of Aleyest*, and as much
Warm Water as will make it into a Stiff Paste, then Make it in
Long Rolls – Bake it an Hour, the next day pare it round
then Slice it in Pieces thin Slices about Half an Inch thick,
dry it in the Oven, then Draw it and turn it, and Dry the
other side – they will keep the whole year.
1. Peck of Flour
1.Oz of Caraway-Seeds
The Whites of Two Eggs
& as much Water & Butter
as will make a Good paste

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Transcribed by JM