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Image 338 (unnumbered folio), one receipt

To make Strong Beer
To a Barrell of Beer take Two Bushells of Malt, and half a Bushell
of Wheat just Crakt* in the Mill, and some of the Flour Sifted out
of it, when your Water is Scalding Hot, Put it in your Mashing-
-fat* there let it stand till you can See your Face in it, then put
your Malt upon it, then put your wheat upon that, and do not
Stir it, let it stand Two Hours and a Half, then let it Run into
a Tub that has Two pounds of Hopps in it, and a Handfull of
Rosemary Flowers in it and when tis all run put it in your Copper
and Boil it Two Hours, then Strain it off, Setting it a cooling
very thin, and Set it a Working very Cool, Clear it very Well
before you put it a Working, put a Little Yest* to it, when the
yest Begins to fall put it into your Vessell, and when it has done
Working in the Vessell, put in a pint of whole Wheat & six Eggs
then stop it up, let it stand a year, and then Bottle it.
then Mash again, stir the Malt very well in, and let it stand
Two Hours, and let that Run, and Mash again and Stir it
as before, be sure you cover your Mashing-fat well up,
Mix the First and Second Running together, it will make good
Household Beer-

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN