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Image 337 (unnumbered folio), three receipts

Lime Water For the Scurvey
Take a pound of unslack’d* Lime Take a pound of Guaiacum-Bark**
and put it into an earthen Jug & half a pound of Sassafras, and a
well glaz’d-and put to it Quarter of a pound of Liquorish
a Gallon of Spring Water Boil all these in three Quarts of
Boiling Hot Water till it comes to three Pints
Cover it Close till it is Cold and when it is cold put it in a Vessel
then Scum it Clean, and let it with Two Gallons of Ale, in 3. or 34
stand Two Days-then Pour days it is fitt to Drink, and Drink
it Clear off into Glass Bottles no other Drink for 6. or 12 Months
& keep it for Use- according to the Violence of the
the Older the Better the Distempers it will certainly Cure
Vertues are as follows-
For a Sore, warm some 1.lb of Guaiacum-Bark
of the Water, and Wash the Sore ½lb of Sassafras
Well with it for half an Hour, ½lb of Liquorish
then lay a Cloth over the
Plaister 4. or 5. doubles Wet A very good medicine
with the Water, and as it
dries Wet it again,-
And it will heal it-
Carraway Brandy
An Ounce of Carraway Seed
in a Quart of Brandy

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN