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Image 331 (unnumbered folio), two receipts

King Charles the Seconds Surfeit Water
A Gallon of the Best Aqua Vitae } Lett all these stand Nine Days close
Quart of Brandy } cover’d, stirring it 3, days or 4 times
Quart of Annaseed Water } a day then. Add to it three pounds
A Pint of Poppey-water } of Fresh Poppies, or 3. Handfulls
A Pint of Damask Rose Water. } of dried Poppies
A Pound of Fine Sugar }
A lb of Dates Stond & Sliced }
1. oz of Cinnamon Bruisd }
1. oz of Cloves }
4. Nutmeggs Bruisd }
1. Stick of Liquorish Scrap’d & Slic’d}
Then Add 3. lb of Fresh Poppies } So Lett it stand a Week longer,
or 3. Handfulls of Dry Poppies } then strain it out and Bottle it.
A Sprig of Angelica }
2. or 3. of Balm }
To make the true Daffys Elizir Elixir*
Take 5. ozs of Annaseeds. } Stone the Raisins}
3. ozs Fennel Seeds } Slice the Roots }
4. ozs of Parsley Seeds } Bruse the Jallop }
6. ozs Spanish Liquorish }
5. ozs of Sena } Put them Altogether, keep them Close-
1. oz of Rubarb } Cover’d 15. days, then strain it out-
3. oz of Elecompane* }
7. ozs of Jallop.*/Purging }
21. Drams of Saffron }
6. ozs of Manna * }
2 lb of Raisins }
½ oz Cocheneal }
2 Gallons of Brandy }

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN