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Image 178, fifth book, folio 90b, Index I to Z

The table of the fifthe booke.
For Imposthumes*, etc: 84.a. For ye faleing Sickenes in childre: 76.b.
For all manner of Infirmities: 79.b. To cause one to Sleepe: 84.a. 87.b.
For the Itche: 78.b. 81.a. For the losse of Speech: 76.a.
K. L. For the Spleene: 78.a. 81.a.
A medicine for bowling Leggs: 87.b. For ye Stingeing of a Scorpion: 81.a.
For Limmes that are beaten, or For belcheing in ye Stomacke: 84.a. 88.b.
bruised: 82.b. To get one a Stomacke: 80.a. alias ibi.
For Limmes yt have no feelinge: For all manner griefes aboute the
78.b. Stomacke: 81.a.
To kill Lise, and nits in ye heade: For them that cannot keep meate in
76.b. 77.a. theire Stomacke: 77.a.
For the Liver yt is wasted: 78.a. 83.a. For payne in ye Stomacke: 83.b.
M. For water in ye Stomacke: 80.b.
To doe awaye Malancholy: 80.b. For the Stone: 79.b. alias ibid 82.a.
82.a. 86.a. 83.a. 87.a. alias ibid. et b. 79.a. et b.
For the choakeing of ye Matrix*: For ye collicke & Stone: 78.a.
83.b. To cause one to goe to Stoole: 79.b.
For the Megrime*: 79.b. alias ibid.
To cause Milke in a womans For the Strangurye*: 79.a. 81.a.
breaste: 81.a. 84.a. To restore Strengthe: 87.a.
To dry up the Milke in a womas For all manner of Swellings: 79.a.
breaste: 86.b. Agaynst Swelling in ye belly: 80.a.
Pro Morbo Gallico*: 88.b. alias ibid. For Swelling of the cods**: 83.b.
cum huius ordine*. 89.a. For Swelling in the knees, etc: 80.a.
For the Mother*: 85.a. For one yt is Swollen in the body: 81.a.
N. O. To comfort ye Synewes: 83.b.
To make an excellent Oyntemente: T.
85.b. For one yt is Taken: 81.a. alias ibid.
To make ye Oyle of Exeter*: 86.b. To drive out a Thorne, or any thing yt
P. pricketh ye flesh: 81.b. 87.b.
For ye Palsye: 83.b. 89.b. V.
For the Pestilence: 76.a. alias 2 To keepe one from Vomiting on ye
ibid. 82.b. 86.a. sea. 84.a.
To make a Ptison* of barlye: 82.b. W.
To make a Purgation: 88.b. For a Warnell*: 77.b.
For the Pyles: 77.b. To take away Wartes: 77.a. 87.a.
Q.R. Docter Stevens Water: 76.b.
For ye running of ye Raignes*: 80.a. For him that cannot holde his Water:
For a Ringeworme: 84.a. 77.a. 89.a.
S. To make a Woman fruitfull: 82.b.
A very good Salve: 85.a.et b. For a Woman that traveleth* with
For ye Scabbes: 76.b. 79.b. 82.b. 83.b. childe: 88.a. alias 3 ibid.
To increase Seede: 82.b. For all manner of Woundes: 86.a.
To make a Seereclothe*: 78.b. To close a Wounde: 82.b.
For all manner of Sickenes: 80.a. X.
For ye falling Sickenes*: 77.b. alias Y.
ibid. 82.a. 83.a. 89.a. Z.
heere endeth the table of ye 5 booke.
heere beginneth

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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by GB and KS