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Image 132, fourth book, folio 67b, receipts 50 (contd) to 52.

The fourthe booke.
well until that it be molten, for it will not quickly melte, but by pro-
cesse: & then put therein galbanum .℥.2. & then last of all put therein
verdegresse ℥.2. & stirre it well until that all be well incorporate to-
gether, & then strayne throughe a cleane cloth of canvas & keepe
it safe, & if thou wilte make it for the hot gowte greatlye easeinge, then
in the steade of oyle olliffe, take oyle of linseede, for that is a passeing
colde oyntemente, & when that it is made with the gummes aforsayde,
then it will cease all manner of akeinge.
51.Oyle of Exetor is good for ye cold gowte, dropsy, palsy,
crampe, & cold stomacke, for ye sciatica, bruiseinge, &
many other sicknesses: & it is made thus:.
Take rosemarye*.lb.j. Saven.qa. &. bawme, neppe, flowers of lillies marge-
rome, puliall ryal, rewe, wormewoode, barke of the ayshe, ye barke of
orange, red fennell, hysoppe, fenncreeke, Sage, comyn, elebre white & red,
an. m. j. lavender, Suthernwood, bettanye, silex monntayne,.an. m.2.** leaves
of lawryell, flowers of camomyll, flowers of broome, barke of elder,
centawrye, flowers of cowsoloops, hearbe iue, an. ℥.4. wilde sage, other-
wise called ambrose, time* leaves, pellitory of Spayne, red roses, an. ℥.2.
bruise thine hearbes as thou mayst have them, & lay them infuse 10 or 12
dayes in twoe gallons of good meate oyle, & then put thereto a gallon of
white wine, & boyle them together untyll that the wine be wasted, & then
let it coole & strayne it, & use it hot unto all diseases before rehearsed.
52. The mother of bawme artificiall
Bawme artificiall, & mother of bawme in many operations havinge the
effecte, & workeinge of bawme ryall, & it is made thus. Take turpentine
& aqua vite .an lb.j. honye, oyle ollyffe olde & cleare .an. lb di. masticis,
mirrhe .an. ℥. Appoponacye*, bdelium, gumme armoniac, Serapinum, ℥.j. &
di ligni alloes*, Sandall, cytryne, nutmygnes .an. ℥.j. & di gallingall, comes
quibibis, macis, mummia, flowre of canyll, Spickenard, saffron, .an. ℥.j.
hearbe John, tree of bawme, seedes of bawme, an. ℥.2. gumme of lawrell,
or of figge .℥.6. tile stones quenched in oyle .℥.4. put all these together
in a bodye of glasse, & distill it with a slowe fire: the first water will be
cleare, but when that beginneth to look cytryne*, then chaunge the re-
ceptorye, & increase thy fire thy fire, & distill it till more come, & when
you perceive it to chaunge into a redder colour, then chaung ye receptory,
for the first is good, ye second better, & the last best of all: & the first is
called mater balsami artificialis: & the seconde & last which be purer,
are called bawme artificiall, the first is good both to eate and drinke, and
to anoynte with, the second & the third are good onely to put with other,
& each one of these are good by himselfe to all cold sicknesses, & of what
vertue the second & the third are, a man may know by the firste, which
hath wonderful vertues as are these: a little quantity of the water
dronke with wine destroyeth the winde in the stomacke, & in all partes
of the bodye:

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN