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Image 126, fourth book, folio 64b, receipts 35 (contd) to 36.

The fourth booke.
is to say at the beginninge principallye the roots of the members or lymmes, as
is the hinder parte of the heade in the necke & all the backe bone in ye palsie,
nevertheles doe it not, but after the fourth or fifth daye, for then it is to
presuppose that the humor is not fleeing or flittinge, but beware that thou
minister it not in any passion that cometh of bloude, but that it be in the
goeinge awaye, & that very sleightelye* when that the bloud is hardeninge,
& the sicke tremblinge, & in the other two passions use it without feare in
meates or drinkes on this manner: Take mintes, sage, calaminte*, nutmegs,
& gallingall after thy discretion, & grinde them well together with ye grease
of a henne, & seeth* the hen in the sayde grease, & if thou have plenty of
this oyle benedicte, put thereto the double of commyn oyle, & after of
this broth, let the sicke drinke fastinge, & that he forbeare meate and
drinke the space of twoe howres, but onely he may eate of the henne
with the brothe, & if thou have but little of the oyle benedicte, then that
parte that thou haste, boyle it in a litle parte of brothe, and thou mayst
doe the like with fishe on fishdayes, putting thereto these hearbes, and
spices aforesayde, & organum, & prlyall,* & anoynte the fishe with the
oyle aforesayde, allso the same oyle taken hot into a man’s mouth which
is drawne aside, or the palsye of the mouth & he shall holde it in his
mouth, & resolve it therein, or revolve it to all partes of the mouth, and
at the last spitt it out of the mouthe, and let the patient doe this twoe or
three times, or oftener, & he shall finde great help therein, allso this oyle
is good for the diseases called sciatica, allso it is good for the podagre,*
& for the gowte in the ioyntes, comeing of colde causes: if that ye feete
& the toes be oftentimes anoynted therewith, & put thereto a litle vine=
ger hot, allso woundes that are olde, & not perfectly healed, it healeth
them surelye, if that they be anonyted therewith.
36. Our blacke plaister or cerote* for ye masterye.
Take pitch as much as thou wille, & double as much of new waxe, double
of Sheeps tallowe, & of fresh grease the double, & melte them together,
& strayne them into a cleane panne, & then set it agayne upon a softe fire
until you see it beginneth to boyle, & allwaye stirre it with a Slyce*, & put
thereto a good quantity of the powder of olibanum,* & allwayes be stirringe
while that you put in this powder, stirring it in with the often laboring:
then put it out into an other vessell, (but allwayes stirre it least ye sayde
powder fall to ye bottome) & untill it beginneth to coole, & if thou liste, ye
mayste put in boole* in the steade of pitche, & if that thou put thereto mirre*
it is the better, this cerote is the beste, & marveilous in workeing, for it
draweth unto him all venomous matter of all imposthumes* from ye inner
partes into the utter partes, it ripeth, it clenseth, it healeth marvelously,
and if that mirrhe be put thereto, it conserveth a wounde & it is too
weeke, that if this cerote be anonynted with our privy oyle, & then layde
to a wounde,

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Transcribed by CTW and JMCN