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Image 120, fourth book, folio 61b, receipts 17 (contd) to 21

The fourthe booke.
chop them well with a knife, for they will not grinde for fat, & then stampe
them with .lb. j of olde swynes greace, & temper them well together untill
you cannot knowe the one from the other: This of all other is the moste
pretious playster for sore pappes* that rot, for it matures, mundifyeth*,
& by the poores mitigateth the payne, & not onelye in paps, but in harde
botches* & byles* under ye throate & armeholes*, bloudewarme* layd thereto.
18. A good mundicative*.
Take smallage*, wormewoode*, of each .m. j. of planten* .m. 3. sage .9. crops*,
grind them small, & strayne out the iuice, & put thereunto barrowe hogges*
greace, & three yolkes of egges rawe, 2. spoonefulls of honye, 2. spoonfuls
of wheate flower tempered* all together untyll you cannot know the one
from the other, lay heereof unto a wounde, & doubte not to let it lye two
dayes unremoved, for it will mundifie* & heale suspecte woundes that
woulde fall into fester: as ulcus*, & cankers.
19. An implaister* for rankelinge* in all places.
Take lynseede & beat it into a powder with the powder of fenicreke* .an.
& then take the yelkes of egges harde sodden* by themselves, & two spoonefuls
of the powder, take five yelkes, but grinde the yelkes by themselves with
swines greace untill that they be like past, then seeth the powder & three
lillye rootes in sweete milke untill that they waxe thicke, & then grinde
them all together with a litle honye, & laye this plaister to every straung*
bolnynge* or swellinge .i. sufflacion*, or unto an olde blacke wounde, for
it is of greate virtue, & a stronge sanative*.
20. An implaister for synewes* yt are shrunken, hard, & stiffe
knotted, or shorte: & for swellinge in ye necke behind.
Take water cresses, camomyll, of eache .m. j. grind them small, and
frye them with wheate meale, & honye: & as hotte as as it maye bee
suffered, laye it to the griefe*: et sanabitur Deo volente*.
21. To make Unguentum viridum*, wch is good for all manner
woundes, & it will put away deade fleshe, and make
newe for to growe clear & fayre:.
Take the rootes of celydonye*,of aleluia**, both the leafe & the roote, & the
roote & leaves of foolefoote*, the leaves of scabias, & the leaves of flos
campi, otherwise called red campions, of each one .m.j. and wash them
cleane, & stampe them, and put to them .lb. j. of weathers* tallowe, & .lb. j.
of oyle ollyffe*, & meddle* them well together in a morter, & then put
them into an earthen pot, & close it well above, so that no ayre goe out:
& set it in a moist place, & let it stand there nine dayes, and after that
take it out of the pot,& put it into a fayre panne, & set it over a charre
coale* fire, & frye it & stirre it well, with a spader** or sclyse of iron, and
when it is righte hot, strayne it through a clothe, & then set it over the
fire agayne, & put thereto halfe a quarterne* of meede** wax broken
in small pieces, & when that is molten put thereto ℥ i. of frankencens
in powders ℥ ss. of masticke* powdred, & ʒ ss. of verdegres* small poudred
& sarsed*

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Transcribed by ALB and RMS