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Image 119, fourth book, folio 61a, receipts 13 (contd.) to 17.

The fourthe booke.
Liber 4.
into which thou wilt strayne it, & it will loose the better when it is colde,
and with a feather skymme awaye the fome.
14. Salus populi (an oyntment) wch maketh good skinne }
in 2 nightes, & it healeth rageings & fissures on }
hands or lippes, and on all other members: this }
oyntement no good surgeon may wante. }
Take selendine* 2. m heyhow, hardehoue, hallhoue, tonnehoue, or medinewort
(which is all one hearbe) m. j. bray them small as greene sawce, & then take
weathers* tallowe cleane molten .lb. j. oyle of roses lb ss. Melte them together
& boyle the hearbes therein, untill that the hearbes sinke to the bottome, and
begin to looke somewhat blacke, & then strayne it, & keepe this oyntement
to thy use: this oyntement is harde, & therefore when thou wilt occupy
it, put thereof into a spoone, & melte it over the coales, & whereas need
is anoynte therewith, but understand that in an olde sore, anoynte round
aboute the sore, but not the sore: that is to say thereas the humor of the
sore scaldes the fleshe, or els whereas there ariseth small heate blayns,
white, blacke, or blewe, or red, washe it first with warme water, and
then easily drye it, & then anoynte the place that is inflamed or scalded,
or full of litle blaynes, this ointemente is greatlye to be esteemed.
15. Sanguis Veneris* most pretious*
Take the bloude of a mayde of 19 yeares which never bare child, though
that shee be corrupte no force*: & when thou wilt take ye bloude, looke that the
moon bee in the full & in virgine*, & the sunne in piscibus*. lb ss aloes*, mirrhe*,
sanguis draconis*, powder of alconet* an oz. j. small beaten to powder, & put
it therein, boyle all these together untill they be red as bloude, & it will be
red thoughe ye boyle it not, & it is no greate matter whether you doe boyle
it or no, & ye may keepe it in glasse or pewter, this oyntement resolveth
& consumeth the moysture of all woundes, ulcus*, plagues, & festers wthout
bitinge, it openeth, & filleth full of fleshe, & dryeth fayre & skinneth* with=
out styptycyl*, wherefore in hot imposthumes* with a litle matter it is good
in the beginninge, for it is colde, & drye, allso it comforteth synnews & ioynts*:
allso in narrowe & deepe woundes of dagger or arrowe, or of any small
thinge it is the beste & most pretious* of all medicines, allso put it with
strippys* of carpe, or line*, in deepe holes with implaistrum* narbone* upon
it, it healeth & purgeth the sore from the grownde upwarde, & defendeth
the wounde from swellinge, & this manner of makeinge is most pretious,
but there is lighter wayes which are both good & true, as followeth.
16. An other waye.
Take ℥ j. of the pouder of alkennet*, & put it into a quarte of oyle of roses,
& set it on a softe fire untill it boyle, & be as red as bloude, els put in
more pouder untill that it prove red enough, & use this as ye do ye other.
17. Implaistrum* metriatysse*
Take the leaves of mallowes, & of wormewoode, of each a greate m.
seeth them in water untill they be tender as butter, & then lay them
on a boarde or table, that the water may runne out from them, & then
choppe them

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Transcribed by ALB and RMS