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Image 106, third book, folio 54b, receipts 53 to 58.

The thirde booke.
Take a peice of a leg of mutton, with cloves, mace, pepper, & salte to season it,
small reasons, & dates mynced small, temper them together, & rowle them into a ball.
53. To make ryse* pottage.
Take ryse & lay them in steepe* all nighte, then seeth them in fayre water upon
the fire, & let the water bee 3 inches above the ryse, & boyle them therein till the
water be allmost consumed, & then put them forth into a fayre platter, & when
they are colde, they will be stiffe, then beate your allmonds & draw* them wth fayre
water as you did your creame, but not alltogether so thynne, & then set youre
almonde milke upon the fire, & when it seetheth*, put in your rise, & make it as
thicke as you thinke convenient, & put thereunto suger, & a few cloves, & mace if
you will, & let them seeth together a prety while.
54. To seeth salt sturgeon.
Lay your sturgeon in water 4 or 5 dayes, then seeth the same as long as you doe
your boare, espetially your iowles* of your sturgeon, untill the gristles of ye iowls
be as tendeer as your brawne* when it is sodden*, but the raygnes* will no aske** so
longe seetheinge, & when it is sod, take it from the fire, & let it stand till it be cold,
then take up your sturgeon, & allthough your iowles be sodden to peices they be
never the worse to cut & slyce in dishes, & it is excellent good meate being well
sowced* as followethe.
55. The order to sowce* sturgeon.
Take two or 3 parts of the broth that the sturgeon was sodden in, & put thereunto
one parte of water, & a good deale of white vinegar, & let them seeth upon ye fire
with some annisseeds or fennell seeds wrapte in a clothe & sod in the sayd sowceing
drinke, & when it is colde, lay in your sturgeon, & keepe it in the sayde sowceing
drinke twoe or three weekes, & when you will eate of it, slyce the same is dishes,
& with fennell & vinegar serve it to the table.
56. To make a tarte of spinage.
Take of spinage two great handfull, & set it over the fire in fayre water to seeth,
& when it is well sodden somewhat softe, take it betweene your handes, & wring
out the water cleane, & then chop your hearbes somewhat small, & put thereunto
fowre yelkes* of eggs, & strayne your spinage & your yelkes together through a
strayner with rose water, & for lacke of rose water with white wine or ranishe*,
& season your tarte with cynamon, ginger, & suger, & then melte a dish of butter,
& stirre it well amongste the tarte before you put in into the past*.
57. To bake neates tongues*.
Take the tongues of a younge beaste, & seeth it till it be tender, then slyce it, and
laye it between onyons, & season it with pepper, salte, & vergesse, & when it
is well baked as thinne as you can, & season it with pepper & salte, then take
sixe onyons, & pyll* them, then make a prety coffin** as you shall thinke meete***,
then lay a slyce of the tongue & a rowe of the onyons, & so fill it up, & when it
is halfe baked, put a sawcer full of vergesse* to it.
58. To bake a cowes udder.
Take a cowes

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Transcribed by RMS and ALB