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Image 045, second book, folio 24a, receipts 56 to 60.

The Seconde booke. Fo. 24
Liber 2.
56. A speciall good water to washe anye olde sore or wounde.
Mr Horner* Take a gallon of running water, & put thereunto the quantitye of a walnut
of white copporisse* & so keepe it in a close vessell, tyll you have an occasion
to occupye it, & so it will keepe sweete & not putrifye.
57. A pultyse* for a swellinge.
Take 2 oz of radish roots, & seeth* them in 3 or 4 gallons of faire runninge
water tyll* they be softe, then keepe the water close & stampe** the roots fyne,
then take 2 or 3 handfull of wheate branne being fine beaten, with an
handfull of commyn* seedes fyne beaten, & halfe an handfull of venicreke**
& seeth all these together in the water with halfe a pynte of sallot oyle*,
tyll it be thicke like a salve, & stirre it often, & so keepe it tyll need require,
& then warme upon a bed of towe* laye it to the sore.
58. A salve or oyntement for all mannner of aches in ye flesh & bones.
Take j lb of English waxe, 2 lb of rozen*, j lb of frankencense, & mingle all these
together in a panne, & set all these together on the fire till they be melted,
then take an handfull of smallage*, 2 handfull of planten* leaves, an handfull
of mouse eare*, an handfull of burssa pastoris*, an handfull of yearrowe*, an
handfull of marygoldes*, & heades of greene housleake*, stampe these hearbes
together small, & then streyne them through a cleane linnen clothe, & put
thereunto j lb of Maye butter*, & then set the iuice** of all these hearbes well
myxte upon the fyre, & boyle them well, & then take your waxe, rosen, &
frankencense, & melte them on the fire, stirringe them with a sticke, untyll
they be well relented, then take it of the fire, & put thereunto ye iuice* of all
these hearbes, with the May butter, & seeth them well together a good
season, this done let them coole in ye panne as you do a cake of waxe, and
make it in rowles, or plasters, or keepe it close in a boxe, & when you doe use
it, melte it in sawcers over the fire, or with your handes chafe it, & rubbe
it where the greife is.
59. A pultisse for anye swellinge.
Take a good quantitye of violet leaves, as much growndcell*, halfe an hand-
full of mallowes*, allmost halfe an handfull of chickeweede*, cut all these
with a knyfe, & seeth them well in conduite* water, & thicken it with
barly meale fine syfted, & spreade it on a clothe, & lay it to ye swellinge, &
rowle it playne, & shyft it twyse* a day till it bee cured.
60. A salve for all sores.
Take rozen, & perrossen, of each halfe a pownde, of virgin waxe, & franken-**
cense 3 ?, of masticke* 2 ?, of hartes tallowe* 4 ?, of camphire** 2 drammes,
melte that is to be molten, & make powder of the other, & boyle all these to-
gether well on a good fire: Then strayne it through a cleane cloth into a
pottle* of white wine, & put thereunto 4 ? of Turpentine when it is but
bloude warme, & so stirre it well together tyll it be through colde, then
make it in rowles, & keepe it to your use, for ye best medicine or salve that
ever was made, & when you occupy it to rayse or heale a sore, take a letle*
oyle of roses, & melte some of the salve therewith, & with linnen lay it to ye
sore, & it shall rayse the fleshe, this is good both for olde woundes & newe,
it will suffer no corruption therein, or evill flesh to increase.
For ye collycke,

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Transcribed by YR and KW