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Document 105, Agreement on use of copy documents at trial, 16 July 1788, p 1

In the Kings Bench
Gawen Aynsley Esq & or Plaintiffs
Henry Errington Esq Defendant
Its hereby consented to and agreed by the agents of the Plaintiffs
and defendant that the office Copies of the pleadings and
depositions in the Cause Errington Esq ag Aynsley Esq and others
in the court of Chancery may be used on the trial of the above
Cause at the ensuing assizes at Carlisle in the same manner as
if a witness attended to prove that such Copies were true Copies
of the records of such Depositions Pleadings
Wallis & Troward
Agents for the Plts
J Letteney Agt for the Defts
16 July 1788

Note: Agreement for the use of office Copies at trial, p1

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