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Document 104, copy of admissions by Mr Davidson and Mr Heron, July 1788

Aynsley & others Mr Davidson to produce
v Letter to him from Mr Donkin informing
Errington Indisposition & that he wod make the Estima[te?]
his Health wod permit & the Certificate [?]
Copy of admissions that the bridge was built
by Mr Davidson and Mr Heron To admit
July 1788 that the Estimate by Mr Smeaton & the Letter
it from Mr Errington were delivered by R.H. [to Mr?]
Davidson on 27th of Dec 1783
To admit
The note from Mr Davidson to R. H. 10th Jan [1784?]
To admit
The Lte from Mr Davidson to R. H. 15th January [1784?]
To admit
The execution of the Counterpart of the artic[les?]
by the Justices
Mr Heron to admit
The Payment of the two Sums of £5700 & 40[?]
The Execution of the articles & Bond by

Note: Copy of admissions by Mr Davidson and Mr Heron

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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by PF and CTW