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Document 91, Letter from Mr Letteney to Mr Heron, 27 May 1788

27 May 1788
Letter from Mr Letteney
Dr Sr
Errington v Aynsley & ors. The Defts Petd
Ra Heron Esq* the Chanc that this Cause might be set down
Newcastle on for further hearing, this day, and I was serv’d wth
Tyne the order last Night. It came on about eleven
this Morning, & just lasted, 3 minutes. His Honor
directed an issue of quant dam* to be try’d at the next
Assizes for Cumberland. Mr Madocks requested that
it might be adjourned to next Tuesday, as the Clk
of the peace was expected in Town to attend
the hearing, but his Honor did not seem very
much disposd to oblige him, unless he woud
say, that the Clk of the peace for Northd woud
give him better reasons, than the Defn Councell
had done, to appear make him change his
mind. Mr Scott & Mr Law are retained for Mr E.
who is to be Deft in the Issue. I am
Dr Sr Yrs J Letteney
27 May 1788

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Transcribed by GB