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Document 88, p 4

be said to have accepted now the same terms they thought
fit to reject at Midsummer, at all events when this
is done I can not be lyable to any concern from the
Court. It appears to me there are but three lights
in which a Jury can view this question, either to
order the money receiv’d, to be return’d, in which case
they will most likely make proper allowance for
what then is left of standing works, or likewise the
difference in value between the materials on the spot
& those I receiv’d, with these diductions it would
bring the balance very near my offer the 2d is the
sum sufficient to reinstate the bridge, the third on
fair examination, what a bridge built upon the
plan of my agreement, suppose it finish’d, wd be
really & intrinsically worth, with the moral certainty
of its being overthrown the very first great flood,
It being no man would purchase it, no man would
[??]sure it, the County therefore Cannot be said to be
damnyfy’d in more than the value of the thing they
have a right to insist on, which I think we can very
easily persuade a Jury, verily & truly be little or
nothing. there you see I have made up my mind to
whatever may happen & remain yrs. sincerely H: Errington

Note: Letter from Mr Errington, 27 March 1788, p 4

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