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Document 79, p 2

Edwd Law*
I have signed this rejn tho’I think it Contains no answer [i]n point of [??]
to the Breach assigned in the replication But I at the same time th[ink?]
that no sufficient answer Can be framed out of the facts of this Case [Mr Errington?]
having made himself by his Covt answerable as much [for?] any dam[age?]
happening by the act of God, as any that might aris[e] [out?] of the
imperfections of the Bridge in point of Structure a[s?] [well?] [of?] [mate?]rials [I?]
presume that the object of pleading this rejn [is?]
to gain time
Copy of Rejoinder

Note: Defendants' Rejoinder, p 2, right hand edge of page damaged

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