Contents; the Fourthe Booke

The Fourthe Booke

Title; heere followeth a booke which was founde in the parsons study of Warlingham, written in the Roman hande, & it wanteth both the beginning and endinge

  • Image 117; Folio 60a; 1. A salve that will bring woundes ye are rankeled, burninge, or akeing, into theire kind agayne, & to cease their malice; 2 To clense a venomous wounde; 3 A marveilous intreate both for woundes & swellings; 4 A drinke for woundes well proved; 5 An other for the same; 6 An other; 7 An other drinke for woundes; 8 A good implaister for woundes
  • Image 118; Folio 60b, 9 A good implaister agaynste swelling; 10 An other good plaister agaynste all manner swellings & hardenes of imposthume; 11 A plaister ye dissolveth harde imposthumes; 12 A salve for botches & biles; 13 An entreate for botches, festers, cankers, olde sores, & newe
  • Image 119; Folio 61a; 14 Salus populi (an oyntment) wch maketh good skinne in a-nyghtes, & it healeth rageings & fissures on hands or lippes, & on all other members: this oyntement no good surgeon may wante; 15 Sanguis veneris most precious; 16 An other waye; 17 Implaistrum metriatysse;
  • Image 120; Folio 61b 18  A good mundicative; 19 An implaister for rankelinge in all places; 20 An implaister for sinews ye are shrunken, hard, stiffe knotted, or shorte; & for swellinge in ye necke behind;  21 To make Unguentum viridium, which is good for all manner woundes
  • Image 121; Folio 62a; 22. To make baules to drinke for woundes; 23. Giaflosmis is thus made. 24. To make a presiont unguente for divers aches in the bones, & swellinge of Synewes, for the colicke, & for all manner of bruisinges.
  • Image 122; Folio 62b; 25. To make an oyle… for all aches,
  • Image 123; Folio 63a; 26. To make a powder consolidative; 27. To make an unguente consolidative; 28 Unguentum pro pectore after the Lord Cobhams fashion; 29. Unguentum Pantonia to heale vaynes, & Synews that be crooked; 30; To make an oyle that will quicken deade [humors?], & limmes yt are benumbe; 31; To make a white unguente for all hot sores in mans bodye; 32. Oyle of lawrell.
  • Image 124; Folio 63b; 33. To make mellicratus, a very excellent & noble drinke for ye breast, & ye pyppes, & for Shortenes of winde; 34. An unguente to heale all manner of ueynes & Synewes that be crooked; 35. Oleum Benedictum. Blessed oyle.
  • Image 125; Folio 64a; 35 continued.
  • Image 126; Folio 64b; 36. Our blacke plaister or cerote for ye masterye.
  • Image 127; Folio 65 a; 37. the makeing of the privy oyle; 38. A plaister for the moremall; 39. The golden plaister of Padwaye.
  • Image 128; Folio 65b; 40. A plaister for an imposthume or suddayne swelling;41. The newe plaister of greane; 42. To make oximell.
  • Image 129; Folio 66a; 43. Against the Sciatica passio, & all manner of aches & for the megryme; 44. A plaister that will heale… both hot and colde; 45. An implaister called gratia dei; 46. An other gratia dei or cerott which is good for all woundes both old & newe, & other sores
  • Image 130; Folio 66b 47. Oleum praetiosum; 48. Unguentum alabastri
  • Image 131; Folio 67a; 49. Flos unguentorum; 50. Greene bawme artificiall:
  • Image 132; Folio 67b; 51. Oyle of Exetor; 52. The mother of bawme artificiall.
  • Image 133; Folio 68a; 53. To make the righte coleman; 54. Implastrum divinum
  • Image 134; Folio 68b; 55. To make a giaculum; 56. To make an implaister called apostolicon; 57. For dead fleshe; 58. An other.
  • Image 135; Folio 69a; 59. An other; 60. For the steapinge of the hands & feete; 61. A pretious playster agaynst many grievous & inordinate paynes, & agaynste the gowte; 62. An other spiced plaister; 63. A very good plaister to wipe a sore, & to breake him.:; 64. An other for wipeinge.
  • Image 136; Folio 69b; 65. A plaister good for any parte of mans Body being benumme; 66. A generall plaister for leggs, & for all sores; 67. Agaynst wormes in the bellye; 68. For st[u?]b, nayle, or thorne; 69. For snake or adder being within man or woman; 70. For a tetter; 71. Agaynst swelling of leggs or feet.
  • Image 137; Folio 70a; 72. A pretions water for eyes; 73. Oyle of baye; 74. A good healeinge playster; 75. An oyntemente for all sores; 76. A pretious water for all manner of sores on a mans legges from the knees downwards;
  • Image 138; Folio 70b; 77. A good oyntemente for all sores; 78. A good oyntemente for the gowte; 79. A good plaister for the gowte; 80. An unguente which is good for bruises, and for a running gowte; 81. Of the vertues of gentian.
  • Image 139; Folio 71a; 82. A powder to conserve the Sighte; 83. Docter Francis dyet artificiall for all such as have aches, & griefes in theire joyntes & bones; 84. To breake the Stone in nine dayes; 85. A pretious water to use for the avoidance of the stone; 86. A pretious drinke after a purgation to bringe appetite.
  • Image 140; 87. To make basilicon; 88. A very soveraigne salve for any ache which lyeth in the bone or in the ioyntes; 89. A very good potion for a purgation; 90. An excellent unguentum or plaister for either old sore, or newer &c; 91. An excellent medicine for the liver that is wasted.
  • Image 141; Folio 72a ; 92. For the timpanye, or to remedye the griefe in man or woman. 93. For the black iaundice; 94. The oyntement of roses; 95. An oyntemente for an ache or a bruise with a plaister; 96. This for the plaister; 97. A water very good for the fallinge sickenes, & ye powder thereof very good for the palsye, or for them ye sounde.
  • Image 142; Folio 72b; 98. To bringe the bloude to his right course, after it has gone amisse; 99. For the strangurian, or burning of the yarde & to make ye stone come easilye; 100. For the greene sickenes; 101. For a stitche; 102. For the ague; 103. For ye heate in ones stomacke.
  • Image 143; Folio 73a; 104. For the same disease 105. A gargle to kill the heate in ye mouth; 106. For tooth ache; 107. Dregge; 108. For the collicke and stone; 109. To staunch bleeding at the nose; 110. To make a cleare voice; 111. For the winde collicke in ye bellye; 112. For an ache.
  • Image 144; Folio 73b; 113. For the payne in the backe.; 114.For the winde collicke in ye bellye; 115. An outwarde medicine for ye same; 116. For an ache; 117. For the greene sickenes; 118. for heate in ye stomacke, and overhastye digestion.
  • Image 145; Folio 74a; 119. For the iaundice; 120. For ye dropsye, or timpanye; 121. The nerve sickenes; 122. Pro membro Secreto; 123.For the same; 124. For the eares.
  • Image 146; Folio 74b; 125. For the collicke that cometh by winde in ye bellye; 126. For the ache in the legges, though the partye goe cripplewise; 127. A medicine for ye heade ache; 128. For the colde and hoorsenes; 129. For the rume; 130. For the eyes.
  • Images 147 and 148; Folios 75a and b; The table of the fourthe book (alphabetical index of sicknesses and the remedies for them)