The Society's seal and three photographs

5th Series, 1973-2021

Archaeologia Aeliana 5th Series, Vol. 7, 1979

Click here for a digitised copy of this volume, which is available on free, open access on the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) website.

Hanson, W. S., Daniels, C. M., Dore, J. N., and Gillam, J. P.: The Agricolan supply base at Red House, Corbridge. 1-97
Jobey, George: Palisaded enclosures, a Roman temporary camp and Roman gravel quarries on Bishop Rigg, Corbridge. 99-113
Austen, P. S., and Breeze, D. J.: A new inscription from Chesters on Hadrian's Wall. 115-126
Jobey, Ian: Housesteads Ware – A Frisian tradition on Hadrian's Wall. 127-143
Bailey, R. N., and O'Sullivan, D.: Excavations over St. Wilfrid's crypt at Hexham, 1978. 145-157
Cambridge, E.: C. C. Hodges and the nave of Hexham Abbey. 159-168
Proudfoot, E. V. W.: A note on some burials from Back Gladstone Street, Hartlepool. 169-177
Tullett, E.: An excavation at the Corner Tower, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1978. 179-189
Howell, R.: The Newcastle clergy and the Quakers. 191-206
Charlton, D. B., and Day, J. C.: Excavation and field survey in Upper Redesdale – Part II. 207-233
Philipson, J.: Additions to the Reid collection of engraved wood-blocks. 235-237
Museum Notes
Allason-Jones, L.: Two unrecognized Roman surgical instruments. 239-241
Atkinson, John: The bronze finger from Carvoran. 241-242
Coleman-Smith, R.: Two Neolithic axeheads from Northumberland. 242-3
Coleman-Smith, R.: A Bronze Age spearhead from Holy Island. 245-6
Dobson, B.: J. Collingwood Bruce, C. M. Daniels (ed.), Handbook to the Roman Wall with the Cumbrian Coast and Outpost Forts. (13th ed.). 247-8
Bailey, Richard N.: R. A. Hall (ed.), Viking Age York and the North. 248-9
Fraser, C. M.: Alan Young, William Cumin: Border Politics and the Bishopric of Durham, 1141-1144. 250
---: Books Received. 250
---: Index. 251

Page created by Scott Vanderbilt, Oct 2011

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